
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Screwtape XVIII-XXI

Chapter XVIII: The Trinity consists of God the Father, God the Song, and God the Holy Spirit. It is important to acknowledge the uniqueness of each part or being of God. Just like when Jesus was baptized, all three parts or beings were doing different things. God the Father was speaking from heaven, God the Son was being baptized, and the Holy Spirit was descending from heaven like a dove from heaven. The fact that God is one at the same time he is three separate beings is significant as well. Screwtape mentioned in the book that God wanted our relationship with others to be like the trinity. I guess in a family, we are supposed to be separate and unique, while being unified at the same time. 

Chapter XVIV: Marriage is an immense decision that people make in their lives and shouldn't be taken lightly. Its an important decision that will affect your entire life. I think Screwtape wishes that we don't take marriage seriously, which is exactly opposite of what God wants us to do. 

Chapter XX: Choosing who you marry is pretty tricky. Screwtape wants us to focus on the outside and not on the inside when people choose their spouses. He wants us to choose someone who looks good physically but not spiritually, because he knows we won't be truly happy if we do so. So much of our culture now days is centered around the outside appearances of people, which is a very worldly view. This also applies to yourself. You should care on how you look spiritually rather than physically. As cheesy as it sounds, "It's what inside that counts..." is an exceedingly accurate and truthful statement. 

Chapter XXI: I had a hard time understanding this chapter, but something that stood out to me was the fact that Screwtape pointed out that nothing belongs to others. We can't really say "my" anything because we do not own anything. Everything is owned by God even ourselves. Us humans tend to be selfish and greedy despite the fact that nothing belongs to us. 

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