
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chapters I-IV Questions

Dedication: Note the simple dedication. If you were to write a "spiritual" book, who would you dedicate it to? Why?
Answer: I would have to dedicate it to my Hanalani friends and teachers, and also to my parents because I have gotten all my spiritual knowledge from them and God.

Chapter I: What are you passive about because of the "ordinariness of things" (Lewis, 4)? Is it your family? Your life? Your church or school?
Answer: I guess I am kind of passive about school, but only because I go to school everyday.

Chapter II: What are your thoughts on church? Is it something you "do" every week?
Answer: I think church is great since it keeps you connected with God and because it is like a school where you only learn about the Lord. Unfortunately though, I see so many people, including myself, who go to church and hear a spectacular message only to forget about it the week after it was preached. My friend also described church as a "hospital for sinners", meaning that sinners go there to feel forgiven for all the things they have done, then continue sinning. So church is good, but it is important to practice what you have learned in the sermons and not just go there to "feel better" for all the sins that you have done throughout the week. I also haven't been going to church as much, ever since my family switched churches. I need to learn to practice what I preach and go to church more often!

Chapter III: What are your "daily pinpricks" (Lewis, 11)?
Answer: I think what drives me nuts is when my hands feel oily. I have no idea why because even when there is dirt or food on my hands I can handle it; and I'm okay with touching and holding stuff. But when my hands are oily, I have to wash them before I handle anything. Getting finger print marks on anything that is shiny also bothers me. If it has smudges... IT MUST BE WIPED!

Chapter IV: What are your thoughts on prayer? Compare your prayer life to this chapter.
Answer: Prayer is great, its like I'm talking to God face to face. Usually I begin it with something like "Hey God" and end it with something like "talk to you later". Now that I think about it, I hope it is not to informal. This chapter does bring up some interesting thoughts on prayer though. For example, "Teach them to estimate the value of each prayer by their success in producing the desired feeling; and never let them suspect how much success or failure of that kind depends on whether they are well or ill, fresh or tired, at the moment." That is a pretty intense observation! It never occurred to me that I do that too, which kind of scares me. 

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