Chapter IX: Why do our "trough periods" make us so vulnerable (Lewis,43)? Is this applicable to you?
Answer: Our "trough periods" make us so vulnerable because these are times when we are usually down or negative. It is at these points that we are most susceptible to temptation because we easily give in to sinful pleasures to make us feel better. When something goes wrong and I'm about to get in to trouble, the temptation to lie to get out of trouble is even greater then when I am not in trouble. The lie will give you the pleasure of escaping the consequence, but the burden of lying is more worse then the consequences of your sinful actions. So its better to just stick with telling the truth and being steadfast during these "trough periods".
Chapter X: What are your thoughts regarding "parallel lives" (Lewis, 51)? What does this mean to you?
Answer: I've heard a lot of chapel messages on this and I don't think it's is right. I think chapel speakers usually use a chameleon to describe this. Just like how a chameleon changes color to match its surroundings, people tend to change their personalities, thoughts, and attitudes around different groups of people to fit in. An example of this would be acting Godly with your Christian friends and then acting completely different with your nonChristian friends. I don't think this is right at all. Don't act different with others just because you think you wont fit in. If you are a Christian you should stick to your Christian-like opinions, attitudes, and thoughts. People shouldn't be afraid to share it with others.
Chapter XI: What are your thoughts on music and joy after reading this chapter?
Answer: Music and joy are great and blessings that God has given humans. Screwtape does not understand what is so great about these because God has only given the ability to have joy and make creative things like music to humans. Both things are pretty awesome if they are aren't going against God's teachings; I'm sure God wouldn't be happy with us if we enjoyed listening to music with cuss words and sinful references.
Chapter XII: What is the "safest road to Hell" (Lewis, 62)? Do you agree or disagree?
Answer: Screwtape describes the "safest road to Hell" as the "gradual one" with "the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts" (Lewis,63). I think this is the safest way for them to lead a human into hell like how a subtle/gradual change is less noticeable then a distinct/steep change. I have to disagree with him though. I think this is the most dangerous road to hell if your looking at it from our perspective because it will be hard for us to notice that the road we are taking is a bad one.
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